We are thrilled to mark the 70th anniversary of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied (PBCCG) with the release of our 2022 Annual Report. This significant milestone underscores our unwavering commitment to nurturing and celebrating the cultural heritage of the Dutch Caribbean islands.

A Year of Resilience, Progress, and Inspiration

In a year that posed its share of challenges, the PBCCG remained steadfast in its dedication to promoting and preserving our rich cultural tapestry. As you explore the pages of our 2022 Annual Report, you will witness how our resilience, progress, and unwavering inspiration have shaped our initiatives and collaborations.

Highlighting 70 Years of Impact

Within the annual report’s pages, we invite you to join us in celebrating the incredible impact we’ve made over the past 70 years. From empowering emerging artists to revitalizing traditional art forms, each story and project reflects the essence of our mission and the collective achievements that define our history.

Transparency and Empowerment

At PBCCG, transparency and accountability are fundamental. The annual report provides a comprehensive overview of our financial performance, demonstrating how every contribution plays a pivotal role in advancing our cultural initiatives.

Join Us in Celebrating Culture

As we celebrate our 70th year, we invite you to explore PBCCG’s 2022 Annual Report. This report not only commemorates our history but also inspires us to envision a future where culture continues to flourish. Your support fuels our mission, and we are immensely grateful for your role in shaping the cultural landscape of the Dutch Caribbean.

To access the PBCCG’s 2022 Annual Report and embark on a journey through culture, creativity, and collaboration, please visit this link. Together, let’s continue to make a lasting impact on our cultural legacy.