Herman van Bergen – Multidisciplinair beeldend kunstenaar
Herman van Bergen is a versatile visual artist, who resides on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao. His most famous work, the Cathedral of Thorns, invites viewers to recognize the beauty in what is usually deemed ugly. His paintings, sculptures and installations are directed at finding the unfamiliar, the mystical, in the ordinary. In 2016, Van Bergen received the Cola Debrot Award, the single most important cultural award in Curaçao. With the award he was honored for his contribution to art development, education and awareness on the island.
His Covid Art below is titled the talking head, let it speak for itself…

Title: Talking Head
E-mail: hermanvanbergen@gmail.com
Website: cathedralofthorns.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cathedralofthorns